Population of EU States Visualized

Feb 26, 2018
Chart of EU State Populations

The chart above shows the population of EU states.  The Western EU is the only region with states that have populations over 60 million people.


  • The difference between the state with the largest population, Germany, and the state with the smallest, Malta, is 81,338,632 people.
  • Germany has 198 times the number of people that Malta does.
  • Twelve (out of 28) states have over 10 million people.
  • Half the states have more than 8.5 million people and the other half less than 8.5 million.
  • The mean is 18,176,348 and the median 8,967,358.


  • The data is from 2011.


Only Poland, the Netherlands, Latvia, Estonia, and Cyprus register a difference of greater than 50% from the states that rank just under them in population.

The top four states (Germany, France, United Kingdom, and Italy) account for half the population in the EU.


Eurostat.  2017.  "Data Explorer."  Accessed December 11, 2017.  http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=urb_lpop1&lang=en.

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