Long-Term EU GDP Growth Rate by State, Fourth Quarter 2018

Jul 31, 2019
Long-Term Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate in EU States

The chart above shows the annualized nominal gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in each EU state over the past five years as of the fourth quarter of 2018 and the growth rate over the past ten years.  Greece is the only state to experience negative growth over either period.

Long-Term US GDP Growth Rate by State, Fourth Quarter 2018

Jul 30, 2019
Long-Term Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate in US States

The chart above shows the annualized nominal gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in each US state over the past five years as of the fourth quarter of 2018 and the growth rate over the past ten years.  Only two states experienced negative growth in either time period.

Long-Term Per Capita GDP by EU Region, Fourth Quarter 2018

Jul 26, 2019
Long-Term Per Capita Gross Domestic Product in EU Regions

The chart above shows the per capita annualized nominal gross domestic product (GDP) in each EU region as of the fourth quarter of 2018 in euros, the change from five years ago, and the per capita GDP ten years prior.  Every single region's economy grew both over the past five and past ten years.

Long-Term Per Capita GDP by US Region, Fourth Quarter 2018

Jul 25, 2019
Long-Term Per Capita Gross Domestic Product in US Regions

The chart above shows the per capita annualized nominal gross domestic product (GDP) in each US region as of the fourth quarter of 2018 in dollars, the change from five years ago, and the per capita GDP ten years prior.  Every single region's economy grew both over the past five and past ten years.

Long-Term Per Capita GDP by EU State, Fourth Quarter 2018

Jul 23, 2019
Long-Term Per Capita Gross Domestic Product in EU States

The chart above shows the per capita annualized nominal gross domestic product (GDP) in each EU state as of the fourth quarter of 2018 in euros, the change from five years ago, and the per capita GDP ten years prior.  Luxembourg and Ireland had exceptional growth over the past five years.

Long-Term Per Capita GDP by US State, Fourth Quarter 2018

Jul 22, 2019
Long-Term Per Capita Gross Domestic Product in US States

The chart above shows the per capita annualized nominal gross domestic product (GDP) in each US state as of the fourth quarter of 2018 in millions of dollars, the change from five years ago, and the per capita GDP ten years prior.  Only three states have seen a drop in their per capita GDP either over the past five or ten years: Alaska, Wyoming, and Nevada.

US Regional Unemployment Rates, May 2019

Jul 16, 2019
Unemployment Rate in US Regions

The chart above shows the unemployment rate in each US region as of May 2019, the change from the previous month, and the rate one year prior.  The Western US was the only region to not see an improvement in its rate from last year.

EU Regional Unemployment Rates, May 2019

Jul 15, 2019
Unemployment Rate in EU Regions

The chart above shows the unemployment rate in each EU region as of May 2019 (unless otherwise noted - see caveats below), the change from the previous month, and the rate one year prior.  The Northern EU is the only region with an unemployment rate larger than the previous month as well as larger than last year.

US Unemployment Rates, May 2019

Jul 11, 2019
Unemployment Rate in US States

The chart above shows the unemployment rate in each US state as of May 2019, the change from the previous month, and the rate one year prior.  Vermont is the only state that has an unemployment rate below 2.25 percent.

EU Unemployment Rates, May 2019

Jul 10, 2019
Unemployment Rate in EU States

The chart above shows the unemployment rate in each EU state as of May 2019 (unless otherwise noted - see caveats below), the change from the previous month, and the rate one year prior.  Czechia continues to be the only state with an unemployment rate below three percent.
