EU States by Number of Subway Riders

Mar 15, 2019
Subway Riders in EU States

The chart above shows the number of subway riders in each state.  France has a clear lead over every other EU state in subway riders.

US States by Number of Subway Riders

Mar 14, 2019
Subway Riders in US States

The chart above shows the number of subway riders in each state.  New York has more subway riders than all other states combined.

EU Regions by Number of Subway Stations

Mar 11, 2019
Subway Stations in EU Regions

The chart above shows the number of subway stations in each region.  The Western EU has more subway stations than all other regions combined.

US Regions by Number of Subway Stations

Mar 8, 2019
Subway Stations in US Regions

The chart above shows the number of subway stations in each region.  The Northeast has more subway stations than all other regions combined.

EU States by Number of Subway Stations

Mar 6, 2019
Subway Stations in EU States

The chart above shows the number of subway stations in each EU state.  France, Spain, Germany, and the United Kingdom are the only states with more than 300 subway stations.

US States by Number of Subway Stations

Mar 5, 2019
Subway Stations in US States

The chart above shows the number of subway stations in each state.  New York has more subway stations than the next five states combined.

EU Regions by Kilometers of Subway Track

Mar 1, 2019
Kilometers of Subway Track in EU Regions

The chart above shows the kilometers of heavy rail subway track within each EU region.  The Western EU has more kilometers of subway track than all other regions combined.

US Regions by Miles of Subway Track

Feb 28, 2019
Miles of Subway Track in US Regions

The chart above shows the miles of heavy rail subway track within each US region.  The Northeast has more miles of subway track than all other regions combined.

EU States by Length of Subway Track

Feb 26, 2019
Kilometers of Subway Track in EU States

The chart above shows the kilometers of heavy rail subway track within each state.  Over half the EU states have a heavy rail system.

US States by Miles of Subway Track

Feb 25, 2019
Miles of Subway Track in US States

The chart above shows the miles of heavy rail subway track within each state.  Only nine of the fifty states have subway systems; the District of Columbia also has a subway system but is not included in the list as it is not a state.
