Net Worth of Billionaires for Every Resident in US Regions in 2018

Jan 9, 2019
Per Capita Net Worth of Billionaires of Each US Region

The chart above shows the net worth of the billionaires of each region divided by the population of said region.  The Western US has almost one-and-a-half the per capita net worth of billionaires of the next leading region.

Net Worth of Billionaires for Every Resident in EU Regions in 2018

Jan 8, 2019
Per Capita Net Worth of Billionaires of Each EU Region

The chart above shows the net worth of the billionaires of each region divided by the population of said region.  The Northern EU has almost double the per capita net worth of billionaires of the next leading region.

Net Worth of Billionaires for Every Resident in US States in 2018

Jan 2, 2019
Per Capita Net Worth of Billionaires of Each US State

The chart above shows the net worth of the billionaires of each state divided by the population of said state.  Wyoming has a commanding lead in this metric.

Net Worth of Billionaires for Every Resident in EU States in 2018

Jan 1, 2019
Per Capita Net Worth of Billionaires of Each EU State

The chart above shows the net worth of the billionaires of each state divided by the population of said state.  Although the net worth of Cypriot billionaires is relatively small, the really small population of the state helps to rank it first in this metric by a large margin.

Per Capita Air Travel in US Regions

Dec 28, 2018
Per Capita Air Travel in US Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every resident in each US region.  The West is the region with the most air passengers per capita in the US.

Per Capita Air Travel in EU Regions

Dec 27, 2018
Per Capita Air Travel in EU Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every resident in each EU region.  The Northern EU is the region with the most air passengers per capita in the EU.

Where Do European Christmas Trees Come From?

Dec 25, 2018
Christmas Tree Producing States

The chart above shows the number of Christmas trees produced by each state.  Unfortunately, Christmas tree production in the EU is very skewed and thus the chart does not look like a tree.  Oh well, it's the thought that counts.  Denmark seems to be the Christmas tree behemoth in the EU.

Air Travel in US Regions

Dec 24, 2018
Air Travel in US Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air in each US region.  The Southern US has the most air travelers just beating out the Western US.

Air Travel in EU Regions

Dec 21, 2018
Air Travel in EU Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air in each EU region.  The Western EU has by far the most air passengers and no other region comes close, in fact, it has more air passengers than the three other regions combined.

Net Worth of Billionaires in EU Regions in 2018

Nov 15, 2018
Total Net Worth of Billionaires of Each EU Region

The chart above shows the total net worth of each EU region's billionaires.  The Western EU is the only region whose billionaires have a total net worth of over $1 trillion.
