Net Worth of Billionaires in US Regions in 2018

Nov 14, 2018
Total Net Worth of Billionaires of Each US Region

The chart above shows the total net worth of each US region's billionaires.  The West is the only region whose billionaires have a total net worth of over $1 trillion.

Birth States of US Presidents

Nov 6, 2018
States Where US Presidents Were Born

The chart above shows the total number of US presidents born in each state.  Virginia holds the honors of giving birth to the most presidents with Ohio a close second.

Net Worth of Billionaires in EU States in 2018

Oct 30, 2018
Total Net Worth of Billionaires of Each EU State

The chart above shows the total net worth of each EU state's billionaires.  Germany is the only state whose billionaires have a total net worth of over $500 billion.

Net Worth of Billionaires in US States in 2018

Oct 29, 2018
Total Net Worth of Billionaires of Each US State

The chart above shows the total net worth of each state's billionaires.  California and New York are the only states whose billionaires have a total net worth of over $500 billion.

Billionaire Density in EU Regions in 2018

Oct 25, 2018
Billionaires per 100,000 Square Kilometers in Each EU Region

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 square kilometers (38,610 square miles) in each EU region.  The Western EU has double the number of billionaires of the next best region and is the only region with more than one billionaire for every 10,000 square kilometers (3,861 square miles).

Billionaire Density in US Regions in 2018

Oct 24, 2018
Billionaires per 100,000 Square Miles in Each US Region

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 square miles (258,999 square kilometers) in each US region.  The Northeast has many multiples the number of billionaires of any other region and is the only region with more than two billionaires for every 10,000 square miles (25,900 square kilometers).

Billionaire Density in EU States in 2018

Oct 22, 2018
Billionaires per 100,000 Square Kilometers in Each EU State

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 square kilometers (38,610 square miles) in each EU state.  Cyprus is the only state where there are more than five billionaires for every 10,000 square kilometers (3,861 square miles).

Billionaire Density in US States in 2018

Oct 19, 2018
Billionaires per 100,000 Square Miles in Each US State

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 square miles (258,999 square kilometers) in each US state.  Connecticut is the only state where there are three billionaires for every 1,000 square miles (2,590 square kilometers).

Billionaires per Capita in EU Regions in 2018

Oct 17, 2018
Per Capita Number of Billionaires in Each EU Region

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 people in each EU region.  The Northern EU has more than double the billionaires per capita of the next best region.

Billionaires per Capita in US Regions in 2018

Oct 16, 2018
Per Capita Number of Billionaires in Each US Region

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 people in each US region.  The West barely ekes out the Northeast in billionaires per capita.
