Billionaires per Capita in EU States in 2018

Oct 12, 2018
Per Capita Number of Billionaires in Each EU State

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 people in each EU state.  Cyprus is the only state that comes close to having one billionaire for every 100,000 residents.

Billionaires per Capita in US States in 2018

Oct 11, 2018
Per Capita Number of Billionaires in Each US State

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 people in each US state.  Wyoming is the only state with more than one billionaire for every 100,000 residents.

Number of Billionaires in EU Regions in 2018

Oct 9, 2018
Number of Billionaires in Each EU Region

The chart above shows the number of billionaires in each EU region.  Only the Western EU has over 100 billionaires.

Number of Billionaires in US Regions in 2018

Oct 8, 2018
Number of Billionaires in Each US Region

The chart above shows the number of billionaires in each region.  Only the Western US has over 200 billionaires.

Number of Billionaires in EU States in 2018

Oct 4, 2018
Number of Billionaires in Each EU State

The chart above shows the number of billionaires in each EU state.  Germany is the only state to have more than 100 billionaires.

Number of Billionaires in US States in 2018

Oct 3, 2018
Number of Billionaires in Each US State

The chart above shows the number of billionaires in each state.  California and New York are the only two states to have more than 100 billionaires.

International Tourists per Area in EU States in 2012

Sep 28, 2018
Tourists per Square Kilometer by EU State

The chart above shows the number of tourists per square kilometer that visited each EU state in 2012.  Malta has, by a huge margin, the most tourists per square kilometer of territory than any other state.

International Tourists per Area in US States in 2012

Sep 27, 2018
Tourists per Square Mile by US State

The chart above shows the number of tourists per square mile that visited each US state in 2012.  Hawaii has, by a large margin, the most tourists per square mile of territory than any other state.

Per Capita International Tourists in US States in 2012

Sep 25, 2018
Per Capita Tourists by US State

The chart above shows the number of tourists per resident that visited each US state in 2012.  Hawaii receives over five times its population in international tourists per year and is by far the leader in this metric as no other state receives twice its population in international tourists.

Per Capita International Tourists in EU States in 2012

Sep 24, 2018
Per Capita Tourists by EU State

The chart above shows the number of tourists per resident that visited each EU state in 2012.  Malta receives nearly three times its population in international tourists per year, although it does help to have a small population as the base figure.  Of all the states that receive more than 1.5 times their population in tourists annually, only Austria has a sizable population to begin with.
