Per Capita Waterway Coverage in US Regions

The chart above shows the miles of waterways per thousand people in US regions. The South has almost twice as many miles of waterways per capita as the region just below it.
Per Capita Waterway Coverage in EU Regions

The chart above shows the kilometers of waterways per thousand people in EU regions. Since the only country in the Northern EU to have data is also the leading state in this metric, the Northern EU dominates the remaining regions of the Union.
Per Capita Waterway Coverage in EU States

The chart above shows the kilometers of waterways per thousand people in EU states. Finland has by far the most waterways per person in the EU and is the only EU state to have more than one kilometer of waterways for every thousand inhabitants.
Per Capita Waterway Coverage in US States

The chart above shows the miles of waterways per thousand people in US states. The top six states in this metric are all from the South.
Waterway Coverage in US Regions

The chart above shows the miles of waterways per square mile of land in US regions. The South has some of the states with the greatest waterway coverage so it is no surprise that it leads other regions in this metric.
Waterway Coverage in EU Regions

The chart above shows the kilometers of waterways per square kilometer of land in EU regions. Even though the states with the greatest waterway coverage are from the Western EU, the Northern EU as a region comes out on top.
Waterway Coverage in EU States

The chart above shows the kilometers of waterways per square kilometer of land in EU states. The Netherlands has the greatest waterway coverage in the EU by so much that its waterway coverage is three times as great as the next leading state, Belgium.
Waterway Coverage in US States

The chart above shows the miles of waterways per square mile of land in US states. Louisiana has the greatest waterway to land ratio of any US state.
Waterways in US Regions

The chart above shows the length of waterways in US regions. The South has more waterways than the other three regions combined and almost as many as the other three regions doubled.
Waterways in EU Regions

The chart above shows the length of waterways in EU regions. The Western EU has more waterways than the other three regions combined.