Busy Commercial Airports in the EU and US

Nov 28, 2018
Airports with at Least 15,000 Annual Passengers

The chart above shows the number of airports that have at least 15,000 annual passengers in each EU and US state.  The top six states with the greatest number of busy airports are all in Europe.

Net Worth of Billionaires in EU and US Regions in 2018

Nov 16, 2018
Total Net Worth of Billionaires of Each EU and US Region

The chart above shows the total net worth of each EU and US region's billionaires.  The Western US and the Western EU are the only regions whose billionaires have a total net worth of over $1 trillion.

Net Worth of Billionaires in EU and US States in 2018

Oct 31, 2018
Total Net Worth of Billionaires of Each EU and US State

The chart above shows the total net worth of each EU and US state's billionaires.  California, Germany, and New York are the only states whose billionaires have a total net worth of over $500 billion.

Billionaire Density in EU and US Regions in 2018

Oct 26, 2018
Billionaires per 100,000 Square Miles in Each EU and US Region

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 square miles (258,999 square kilometers) in each EU and US region.  The Northeastern US has nearly double the number of billionaires of the next best region and is the only region with more than five billionaires for every 10,000 square miles (25,900 square kilometers).

Billionaire Density in EU and US States in 2018

Oct 23, 2018
Billionaires per 100,000 Square Miles in Each EU State

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 square miles (258,999 square kilometers) in each EU and US state.  Connecticut is the only state where there are more than three billionaires for every 1,000 square miles (2,590 square kilometers).

Billionaires per Capita in EU and US Regions in 2018

Oct 18, 2018
Per Capita Number of Billionaires in Each EU and US Region

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 people in each EU and US region.  Half the regions in the EU and the US have more than one billionaire for every million residents.

Billionaires per Capita in EU and US States in 2018

Oct 15, 2018
Per Capita Number of Billionaires in Each EU and US State

The chart above shows the number of billionaires per 100,000 people in each EU and US state.  Wyoming is the only state to have more than one billionaire for every 100,000 residents.

Number of Billionaires in EU and US Regions in 2018

Oct 10, 2018
Number of Billionaires in Each EU and US Region

The chart above shows the number of billionaires in each EU and US region.  Only the Western EU and the Western US have over 200 billionaires.

Number of Billionaires in EU and US States in 2018

Oct 5, 2018
Number of Billionaires in Each EU and US State

The chart above shows the number of billionaires in each EU and US state.  California, Germany, and New York are the only states to have more than 100 billionaires.

International Tourists per Area in EU and US States in 2012

Oct 1, 2018
Tourists per Square Mile by EU and US State

The chart above shows the number of tourists per square mile that visited each EU and US state in 2012.  Malta has over ten times the tourist density of the next highest state.
