Europe with Range and Township Borders

Oct 30, 2017
Map of Europe with range and township borders

The western United States' borders are not drawn based on the traditional metes and bounds system of delineating borders.  Instead, the borders are drawn based on the Public Land Survey System which people commonly refer to as range and township.  The map above shows what Europe would look like if the continent's borders were drawn based on range and township instead of metes and bounds.

GDP and GDP Per Capita Growth between 2005 and 2016 in the European Union and the United States

Oct 27, 2017
Scatter plot of GDP and per capita GDP in the EU and the US

The chart above shows both the change in overall GDP (y-axis) and per capita GDP (x-axis) over a period of 11 years for EU and US states.  All states except for one have experienced growth from 2005 to 2016.  However, several states saw their per capita GDP decrease.

The Geographic Distribution of Military Personnel in the European Union

Oct 26, 2017
Map of military personnel in the EU

The EU, if it were to ever have a unified military force would see most of its personnel come from very few states.  As can be seen in the map above, Nordic and Baltic countries have a limited number of military personnel.

Fiber-Optic Penetration in Europe and the United States

Oct 25, 2017
Chart of fiber optic use in the EU and US

Most states in both the United States and the European Union are slow to pick up on fiber usage with only seven states from both superstates covering over half of their population.  Ten of the top 12 states where fiber is most accessible are from the US.

A Comparison of Climates in European and American States

Oct 24, 2017
Chart of climate zones in the EU and US

The European Union and the United States take up large swaths of geography but at the same time are broken down into states that allow for differences within the superstates to be examined further.  Here, the climates that exist in these two entities are broken down by state.  By far the most abundant climates in both entities are the continental and the temperate as classified by the most widely used climate classification system, the Köppen Climate Classification.

The Correlation between GDP PPP Per Capita and GDP PPP Per Area Worldwide

Oct 23, 2017
Scatter plot of per capita GDP PPP and GDP PPP per area

The correlation between per capita gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity (GDP PPP) and GDP PPP per area worldwide is moderately weak.  The three largest economies on a per capita basis have a high per area GDP relative to other countries.

The Correlation between GDP PPP Per Capita and GDP PPP Per Area in Oceania

Oct 20, 2017
Scatter plot of per capita GDP PPP and GDP PPP per area

The correlation between per capita gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity (GDP PPP) and GDP PPP per area in Oceania is weak.  The three largest economies on a per capita basis have either a moderate or high per area GDP relative to other countries on the continent.

The Correlation between GDP PPP Per Capita and GDP PPP Per Area in Africa

Oct 19, 2017
Scatter plot of per capita GDP PPP and GDP PPP per area

The correlation between per capita gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity (GDP PPP) and GDP PPP per area in Africa is moderate.  The three largest economies on a per capita basis all have a high per area GDP relative to other countries on the continent.

The Correlation between GDP PPP Per Capita and GDP PPP Per Area in Asia

Oct 18, 2017
Scatter plot of per capita GDP PPP and GDP PPP per area

The correlation between per capita gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity (GDP PPP) and GDP PPP per area in Asia is moderate.  The three largest economies on a per capita basis have either a moderate or high per area GDP relative to other countries on the continent.

The Correlation between GDP PPP Per Capita and GDP PPP Per Area in Europe

Oct 17, 2017
Scatter plot of per capita GDP PPP and GDP PPP per area

The correlation between per capita gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity (GDP PPP) and GDP PPP per area in Europe is moderate.  The three largest economies on a per capita basis have either a low, moderate, or high per area GDP relative to other countries on the continent.
