Per Capita Transportation-Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions in EU and US States

Apr 30, 2018
Chart of Per Capita Transportation-Based Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in EU and US States

The chart above shows transportation-based carbon dioxide emissions broken down by population in EU and US states.  With the exceptions of Luxembourg, Denmark, and Malta, every other EU state emits less carbon dioxide than every single US state.

Per Capita Transportation-Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions in EU States

Apr 27, 2018
Chart of Per Capita Transportation-Based Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in EU States

The chart above shows transportation-based carbon dioxide emissions broken down by population in EU states.  Three states (Luxembourg, Denmark, and Malta) really stand out having at least 2.5 times the emissions that fourth place Ireland has.

Per Capita Transportation-Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions in US States

Apr 26, 2018
Chart of Per Capita Transportation-Based Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in US States

The chart above shows transportation-based carbon dioxide emissions broken down by population in US states.  It is no surprise that Alaska where travel by bush plane is so common takes the top spot.

Transportation Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions in EU and US Regions

Apr 25, 2018
Chart of Transportation Based Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in EU and US Regions

The chart above shows transportation based carbon dioxide emissions in EU and US regions.  Clearly, US regions emit far more transportation-based carbon dioxide than EU regions do.

Transportation Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions in US Regions

Apr 24, 2018
Chart of Transportation Based Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in US Regions

The chart above shows transportation based carbon dioxide emissions in US regions.  The South is responsible for over two-fifths of transportation-based carbon dioxide emissions.

Transportation Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions in EU Regions

Apr 23, 2018
Chart of Transportation Based Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in EU Regions

The chart above shows transportation based carbon dioxide emissions in EU regions.  Well over half the emissions in the EU come from the Western EU.

Transportation Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions in EU and US States

Apr 20, 2018
Chart of Transportation Based Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in EU and US States

The chart above shows transportation based carbon dioxide emissions in EU and US states.  One-quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions from transportation use in the EU and the US come from four states (out of 78): Texas, California, Florida, and Germany.  In addition, Texas and California are the only two states that emit more than 100 million metric tons.

Transportation Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions in US States

Apr 19, 2018
Chart of Transportation Based Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in US States

The chart above shows transportation based carbon dioxide emissions in US states.  One-quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions from transportation use come from three states: Texas, California, and Florida.

Transportation Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions in EU States

Apr 18, 2018
Chart of Transportation Based Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in EU States

The chart above shows transportation based carbon dioxide emissions in EU states.  One-third of all carbon dioxide emissions from transportation use come from two countries: Germany and the United Kingdom, adding in France and Italy makes up more than half of the transportation based carbon dioxide emitted within the EU.

Rail Coverage in EU and US Regions

Apr 17, 2018
Chart of Rail Length per Square Mile of Land in EU and US Regions

The chart above shows the miles of rail per square mile of land in EU and US regions.  The Europeans have more rail per unit of land than we Americans do which is not surprising at all.  What is surprising is that the EU's region with the least rail coverage rivals the US's region with the most rail coverage.
