Regional Populations of the United States
The chart above shows the regional populations of the United States. As the US is a democracy, this shows where electoral power resides in the Union.
Regional Populations of the European Union
The chart above shows the regional populations of the European Union. As the EU is a democracy, this shows where electoral power resides in the Union.
Proportion of Most Populous Cities in EU and US States
The chart above shows the most populous city in each EU state and the proportion of that nation's population that resides there. EU states tend to have more of their population residing in their largest city than US states do.
Voter Registration in the 2017 Alabama Senatorial Election
The chart above shows the percentage of people that are registered to vote in each county and the party that won each county. The Democrats won the counties where a greater percentage of the population is registered to vote. There are some anomalies in the data as Lowndes County has 90 percent of its population registered to vote but 30 percent of its population is under the age of 18 according to the US Census. Several other counties also had more registered voters than voters eligible to vote.
Voter Turnout in the 2017 Alabama Senatorial Election
The chart above shows the percentage of people that voted in each county and the party that won each county. The Democrats won the counties where people went to the polls in droves while the Republicans won the counties where most people stayed home.
Proportion of Most Populous Cities in US States
The chart above shows the most populous city in each US state and the proportion of that state's population that resides there. Unlike in the European Union were 14 states have over one-quarter of their population living in the most populous city, only three states do so in the US. In the US, living in a state's largest city is not as prevalent.
Proportion of Most Populous Cities in EU States
The chart above shows the most populous city in each EU state and the proportion of that nation's population that resides there. Luxembourg and Malta are obvious outliers due to their size but the rest of the EU still has quite a range from Berlin which only consists of just over one out of every twenty Germans to Riga which consists of just under one out of two Latvians.
What to Look for in the 2017 Alabama Special Senatorial Race
The geographically accurate cartogram above represents the population of Alabama's counties. The more populous a county is, the larger it is on the map. This cartogram shows that Jefferson, Madison, and Mobile are the most populous counties by far and together the three counties account for just under 30 percent of the state's total population. This, in a state with 67 counties.
The United States' Borders Based on Population
The geographically accurate cartogram above represents the borders of the states in the US based on their population. California becomes the largest state by far while Massachusetts, New York and Florida dominate the east coast. Texas takes over the Southwest while Alaska loses the most territory.
The Arabian Peninsula's Borders Based on Population
The geographically accurate cartogram above represents the borders of the nations in the region based on their population. Iraq becomes the largest country with Saudi Arabia a close second.