Apple Production in the United States

Nov 22, 2018
Apple Production in the United States

This week, like last year, the focus is on common Thanksgiving foods and which states produce them.  The geographically accurate cartogram above redraws the states' sizes based on apple production.  Specifically the number of acres dedicated to bearing the fruit.  All 50 states produce apples and of the 50, the USDA publishes complete data on only 48 of them due to the other two states having few producers which would make it easy for their competitors to know how large their operations are.

Carrot Production in the United States

Nov 21, 2018
Carrot Production in the United States

This week, like last year, the focus is on common Thanksgiving foods and which states produce them.  The geographically accurate cartogram above redraws the states' sizes based on carrot production.  Specifically the number of acres harvested.  All 50 states produce the vegetable and of the 50, the USDA publishes complete data on only 45 of them due to the other five states either having few producers which would make it easy for their competitors to know how large their operations are or a very small number of acres harvested.

Brussels Sprout Production in the United States

Nov 20, 2018
Brussels Sprout Production in the United States

This week, like last year, the focus is on common Thanksgiving foods and which states produce them.  The geographically accurate cartogram above redraws the states' sizes based on Brussels sprout production.  Specifically the number of acres harvested.  Only 32 states produce the vegetable and of the 32, the USDA publishes complete data on only 24 of them due to the other eight states either having few producers which would make it easy for their competitors to know how large their operations are or a very small number of acres harvested.

Pecan Production in the United States

Nov 19, 2018
Pecan Production in the United States

This week, like last year, the focus is on common Thanksgiving foods and which states produce them.  The geographically accurate cartogram above redraws the states' sizes based on pecan production.  Specifically the number of acres harvested.  Only 34 states produce the nut and of the 34, the USDA publishes complete data on only 26 of them due to the other eight states having few producers which would make it easy for their competitors to know how large their operations are.

Cartogram of Population in Alaska

Nov 5, 2018
Population of Alaska

The geographically accurate cartogram above represents the size of the boroughs and census areas of Alaska based on their population.  Anchorage makes up nearly half (41.09%) of the state's population and thus takes up a significantly larger portion of the state's landmass than it currently does.

Cartogram of Population in New York State

Nov 1, 2018
Population of New York State

The geographically accurate cartogram above represents the size of the counties based on their population.  New York City makes up nearly half (42.19%) of the state's population and thus takes up a much larger portion of the state's landmass than it currently does.

Per Capita International Tourists in EU and US States in 2012

Sep 26, 2018
Per Capita Tourists by EU and US State

The chart above shows the number of tourists per resident that visited each EU and US state in 2012.  Small island states with warm weather do pretty well for themselves, but then again so does a desert (Nevada), people are strange sometimes.

International Tourists in EU and US States in 2012

Sep 21, 2018
Tourists by EU and US State

The chart above shows the number of tourists that visited each EU and US state in 2012.  EU states account for seven of the top ten states in international tourists.  Note however, that US data does not include domestic travelers from other US states whereas EU data does include travelers from other EU countries.

Per Capita GDP and Change in Per Capita GDP in EU and US Regions between 2016 and 2017

Aug 20, 2018
Chart of per capita GDP and change in per capita GDP in EU and US regions between 2016 and 2017

The chart above shows the per capita GDP and change in per capita GDP over the last year in EU and US regions in US dollars.  All four US regions have higher per capita GDPs than the four EU regions, however all four EU regions had higher growth rates than all four US regions and if current trends continue, one EU region will overtake one US region this year.

Per Capita GDP and Change in Per Capita GDP in EU and US States between 2008 and 2017

Aug 7, 2018
Chart of per capita GDP and change in per capita GDP in EU and US states between 2008 and 2017

The chart above shows the per capita GDP and change in per capita GDP over the last ten years in EU and US states in US dollars.  Luxembourg continues to maintain the highest per capita GDP of all EU and US states by far.  However, there are only two other EU states in the top 25 (out of 78): Ireland with the eighth highest per capita GDP and Denmark with the 25th.
